How It Works

Cascadia Dollars can be used by anyone for transactions. They work just like US or Canadian dollars. Cascadia Dollars enter circulation when someone purchases them from our website. This is usually done at the standard 5% discount. The legal Tender used to purchase these is then held in a bank account to back them. Cascadia Dollars can then be used to purchase goods and services from any business that accepts them. Those who receive payments in Cascadia Dollars can then go and spend them for things they need. Alternatively, if needed, Cascadia Dollars can be exchanged back into legal tender at the same 5% rate.

While Cascadia Dollars can be purchased at a 5% discount, participating business agree to accept them at full face value. Which means ten Cascadia Dollars can purchase $10 of good or services. In that way Cascadia Dollars are more valuable when they are circulated rather than being exchanged back into legal tender.

Businesses who accept Cascadia Dollars may do so with some restrictions. For example a business may only accept 50% of a purchase in Cascadia Dollars. Be sure to check if the business you’re shopping at has any restrictions. You can view participating businesses in our online business directory.

"I received my order yesterday and they look great! I'm very satisfied with the look of the dollars and I intend to leave them in tip jars and mixed in with other cash tips and share them with my family and friends. I do plan on making another order before the end of this month." - Brandon, Puget Sound

Where To Spend

Cascadia Dollars Directory

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